FANUC Teach Pendent & PC Conversion Cable - Integrated Systems Technologies


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FANUC Teach Pendant & PC Conversion Cable

FANUC Teach Pendant & PC Conversion Cable

FANUC has a long history of providing world-class training programs on robotics, intelligent solutions, and advanced automation applications. The FANUC robotics training program features a world-class, skills-based training curriculum that develops a stackable set of skills and knowledge including safety, terminology, basic robot operations, setup procedures, programming, and file manipulation. Each course of study consists of lectures, demonstrations, lab-based and project-based exercises, testing, and assessment. Students receive hands-on training with a FANUC robot as well as virtual training using FANUC HandlingPRO robotic simulation software.

Upon completion of the program, students receive an industry-recognized FANUC Level 1 Certificate.

MH Touch Screen iPendant - R-30iB Mate Plus

Every R-30iB CERT controller includes a standard Material Handling Touch Screen iPendant with a color screen that allows users to jog and program the robot. Each pendant is ergonomically designed with a multi-window display, multiple program editing capabilities, integrated help and diagnostics and a user-customizable interface.


ROBOGUIDE is the leading offline programming product on the market for FANUC robots. ROBOGUIDE software allows users to create, program and simulate a robotic workcell in 3D. Offline programming with ROBOGUIDE uses virtual robots and workcell models, enabling visualization of single and multi-robot workcell layouts. With ROBOGUIDE, educators and students use the same tools that application engineers use to import CAD models, create workcells complete with machines, part transfer devices, and obstacles, and teach paths to simulate the operation and performance of a robot workcell. Reach verification, collision detection, accurate cycle time, robot trajectory and other system operations are provided in the ROBOGUIDE graphical virtual environment. Robot program Upload Download/Round Trip – ROBOGUIDE allows for seamless data transfer between real and virtual robots in either direction.

Physical iPendant Support

With the iPendant PC Conversion Kit, students and teachers can learn real teach pendant operations quickly with a physical iPendant connection to ROBOGUIDE virtual robots. This cost-effective option allows more students to become familiar with using the iPendant and with hands-on programming of a virtual robot.

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